Jogový retreat s Tobiasem Lorenzem
Jogový retreat tentokrát ve spojení Tobiase Lorenze s Markem Marek Petráčkem. Yoga a Movement flow.

Čas a místo
13. 8. 2020 16:00 – 16. 8. 2020 14:00
Statek Anglická sezóna, Hobšovice, Česko
O události
Anglicka sezona is a place that just recently opened to the public. It is really spacious and has good vibec. The surroundings are beautiful and the food is delicious. You can even go and take a swim in a pond just a few minutes away. You can be sure that you will be taken good care of.
Now about the program.
Tobias will focus on the classes and subject around the yoga but also movement practice. Exercises to also improve your flexibility, strength and body awarenss. There will be some breathwork and deep stretches during the days to release tension and to connect body&mind.
Marek will focus on the classes around "movement flow" - a system that is based on connecting moves and creating fluid and effortless flows. All in all you will learn about twenty moves that you will be able to bind together and in theory be then able to create thousands of diffrent flows - depending on how you feel. "Movement flow" always leaves a lot of space for creativity and self-expression.
The benefits of these practices are obvious, they help to improve
flexibility coordination spatial awareness creativity body awareness so there is absolutely no reason not to try it.
The program will be rich and full of movement.
All in all there will be
4x90 min yoga classes, 2x120 min workshops on a subject that is related to the asana practice 3x150 min movement flow classes thai massage in the evening 1x120 min YinYoga kriya and short pranayama every morning What to pack.
Yoga mat (and props if you have some) socks and maybe also long sleeves and pants for the movement flow practice maybe if you want some elbow and knee pads to make the practice a little easier on the joint (not neccesary though) a bottle for drinking water swimming suit Your favorite book, tea or anything else you want The price for the whole retreat will be
5500 CZK - all inclusive You can pay in cash or send the money to my account - the deposit for the retreat is 3000,- the informations for the payment will be send out after we retrieve the registration If you have any questions. Please ask.
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